Sunday, July 8, 2007

Six weeks left from today

Last night there was a strange man hanging out in my backyard. I wouldn't have noticed but my roommate freaked out because he was by her car and didn't leave when she went out to get something. So she called the police and I decided it was a good idea to shut and lock the sliding door to my porch. Now its really stuffy in my room and I am losing interest in sleep, which was the only hobby sustaining me here other than drinking. The good news is I have to force myself to sleep past 8am, which I think will eventually equate to being a more efficient person, but I am really bad at doing homework regardless, so who knows? Today I have to go fake grocery shopping for our first term final project (cooking demo, we are making pancit and modeling our video off Top Chef, white girl loses). I also have to go real grocery shopping because I am down to brown rice, teriyaki sauce, garlic, honey, provolone, and edamame, oh and a few random spices (cardamom, turmeric, coriander) so I think this fried rice of mine for breakfast will be quite interesting.

I got my red bicycle this week. it's adorable. but just looking at won't do me any good. I have taken it out around my neighborhood twice. I am really bad at bicycle riding. Even the riding part, I am really wobbly and can't go in a straight line. Starting is the worst though, I think I did something to my hip yesterday. And when I have to stop for a car...its just bad news all around. I am getting better though. I took it out last night during my cycles at the laundry mat. I like riding at night better because no one can see what a dumb shit you are. And its cooler out. I think some of my bicycle riding muscles have atrophied in the past ten years since I have actively rode a bike.

We are going to Chicago next weekend. I am, if I get my god damn REEF check soon. I forgot how to cook rice without a rice cooker. Laundry mats are weird places. Someone left some Christian propaganda for me there last night. Funniest shit I have ever read. The little booklet was all about whether 'being a good person is good enough in God's eyes' (I think it is, but my definition of good I am pretty sure is different from people who wrote this booklet) There was this very innocent article about a marine reserve called Shark Bay in Eastern Australia. Yeah I was confused too. It did a fair job of explaining what a marine reserve is etc...and I was like so whats the catch? Then it explained to me that why I like animals so much is because before sin came along we could interact and hang out like they were humans, but I shouldn't worry or be sad about the fact that we cant interact like that anymore or about the fact that my kids might not even be able to see coral reefs because hey, one day God will restore all things to their original glory. So I should go on driving that big truck of mine and quit worrying so much about the environment. Happy Sunday everyone. I kind of ad libbed that last part but that was my interpretation.

Well kids, I am really bored. so bored I might even do homework now even though its 9am.
P.S. my fried rice was really boring too, I blame it on Wisconsin.

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