Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Red Bicycles

Back in Seattle, my friends Zach and Tynan (if you are a good friend of mine you met Zach at my going away party) who had just finished a road trip across the country, told my about this really cool thing in Madison. Zach has family here and he told me that they have community bicycles all over. I though he was lying but its really true. My kaklase Julia let me practice on hers earlier today. Its really cool. They are painted fire-engine red and you put a $40 downpayment on them and you can ride them where ever and for as long as you want, like two months. Then when you return it, you get your $40 back. Isn't that novel? I asked a guy at the bike shop why they do that and he said its because they strongly believe in free transportation. So even though I am terrible at riding a bike, I figure it will be better than walking in this god damn heat and I will go get mine today. Also the smaller bikes don't have hand breaks, so...hopefully I don't join Allan in the hospital. Also best quotes of the day Jon "that street is hateful" and Ate Fe "magdo"=best Tagalog verb for sex.

1 comment:

Carmel said...

wow! i want my very own red bicycle, visiting you guys at madison sounds really tempting now :)